суббота, 1 октября 2011 г.

carpet bombing::But i will comment this use of figures carpet bombing

carpet bombing

carpet bombing

carpet bombing

carpet bombing::But i will comment this use of figures.
What every historian i have spoken to about this subject agree on is that most of the dead have never been found.
For instance the most pessimistic sources claim 50,00070,000 killed in dresden.
That is from the sources of citizens of the city.
What most people tend to forget is that the city of about 500,000 had a population estimated to have been just above 2 million at the time of the bombings.
Well, dresden was obviously an important junction, if not very vital.
It was the perfect spot to drop refugees from poland and east prussia off.
After all, it had been far more important earlier and not been bombed, why should it now?
In any case the city was crammed full of civilian refugees living in the streets.
I doubt i need to inform you what happens when a firestorm is added to the mix.
They were pinned by the wind.
Then a woman with a baby tried to shift position, but horribly the wind yanked the baby from her arms and.
Well again no need for explaination.
And since we are on about the firestorm in dresden, how about the fact that the allies changed tactics this time, and actually had two waves closer together than before.
In other cities they were perhaps not able to kill the firestorms, but they prevented their spread.
This time however the next wave caught them out.
The firestorm could now engulf the entire city unopposed.
The continual bombing of the city also forced people to stay in their cellars and the shelters.
Well, with the spreading firestorm they could not survive there.
The bombing of dresden was the most perfect bombing ever.
Nobody knows how many died in dresden, but i have heard figures as high as 500,000, for as it was argued, afterwards the refugees were gone.
They had simlpy ceased to exist.
That is why they often vanish from calculations.
Nobody knows how many german refugees were killed by red army soldiers, run over by tanks, gunned down by fighters ect ect.
There you will still find remnants of the dead people.
I have been there, and the atmosphere is quite unpleasant, not the city of course.
And do not forget that while the germans were not very nice, and certainly attacked the hospitals and the like as mentioned, the allies were not any better.
They, an occupied people got strafed in the fields, on the roads, whereever.
Luckily not many died from this as most attention was in germany.
Maybe they thought they were germans?
Nor the factthat danish red cross convoys got shot up every time they tried to get to the danish prisoners in german camps in last months.
Added to their almost patholigical overestimations of their kills on tanks and equipment i have a strong dislike for them.
I guess i did join the discussion.
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