пятница, 30 сентября 2011 г.

woven carpets::They are mostly of all wool, but some tribes use cotton in the wefts woven carpets

woven carpets

woven carpets

woven carpets

woven carpets::They are mostly of all wool, but some tribes use cotton in the wefts.
Occasionally there are patches of silk used as highlights.
The turkmen people emerged during the late first millennium as pastoral nomads in the turk lands.
They had woven rugs for centuries and even after most of them became settled they continued to make rugs in sizes and shapes suitable for the nomadic life they had lived in felt tents.
Important rug weavers include the tekke whose main carpets are characterized by a certain gul, or octagonal motif, repeated in rows across the rug.
Other people, including the saryk and salor, produced similar rugs but with different guls that are also indicative of a tribal identity.
The wool used in turkoman weaving is renowned in the trade for its lustrous and hardwearing properties.
It comes from the famous indigenous breed of karakul sheep, which is equally renowned in the fur trade for its karakul lambskins.
The karakul sheep is a fattailed breed having a dual fleece, that is, two types of wool growing simultaneously.
The outer fleece has longer staples than the soft crinkly wool of the inner fleece, which when carefully sorted and blended produce ideal carpet wool.
Weavingtraditionally on a horizontal loom is usually done by women.
Larger carpets, however, because they are usually woven in the open are mainly produced during the summer months.
The majority of mauri carpets and rugs are of single weft, whereas in the main other turkoman goods are double wefted.
The persian or sennah knot is generally used.
When weaving a carpet, no set plan is followed: the design is entirely executed from memory a testimony to the fact that turkoman designs and symbols are of unknown age and representative of their own particular culture.
Besides carpets and rugs, the turkomans produce countless items made with wool for their daily domestic needs wood and metal being unobtainable or difficult to come by.
carpet peekskill::I am referring of course to the carpet that has been
damaged by water carpet peekskill

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